Our Classes

Scroll below to find some details on classes that are offered at our studio.
We also run classes on a monthly schedule.
Please check out our social media pages on Facebook or Instagram, or take a look at our active calendar schedule below for all classes being offered at this time.
Gentle Yoga
This practice is taken at a slow pace and incorporates modifications for each pose that promote bodily awareness. Coupled with breathwork and meditation, Gentle Yoga is the perfect practice for someone who is new to yoga or looking to slow down and refocus their practice.
Yoga 4 Balance
A uniquely designed practice to strengthen your core and hip region to increase your ability to stand/ hold strong in your balance postures.
Warm Vinyasa
Besides the warmth of the room 80° you will find inner heat as our instructor guides you through a practice that will leave you feeling blissful.
Yin Yoga
A slower-paced, more meditative version of the popular physical and spiritual discipline of yoga. In Yin yoga, the poses are held for a long period of time to target the connective tissues rather than focusing on the muscles.